Frontlinevet. Blog

Liliana – pack’s Alfa female
august 20, 2010, 5:40 pm
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I have returned at LILIANA’S together with a GIA volunteer in order to treat the dogs against fleas and mange . We imagined that since the dogs are all in a yard it will be relatively easy to take each of them and spray with a flea product . Spot on solutions are extremely expensive for 60 70 dogs so we decided to go the cheap way . The dogs welcomed us as intruders and started barking lound at us and one of them bit my thigh. LIliana grabbed a stick and threatened them so we could enter her yard.

Liliana turns out to be friendly and wanted to help us with our mission . You could see her skin also suffered because of the insects. She grabbed the first dog and as we tryed to spray him the dog got scared and tried to bite Liliana. We managed to treat the small and tame dogs which are only a few. The dogs are semi wild and undersocialised . it is basically impossible to treat them against fleas because they will not come to you! The only way i see it is to have them sedated for the soo wanted sterilisation and while they are asleep to treat them against parasites. Because of the inbreeding of demodex dogs demodex mange is extremely present among her dogs . Some of the dogs look terrible and unfortunately it is extremely difficult to treat them in those conditions. I offered again my help regarding the sterilisation of the whole pack . Liliana is acting as an Alfa female and i think she thinks that sterilisation of the dogs will lead to the pack’s extinction. I definitely think she needs medical therapy and counseling. She keeps promissing that she will allow sterilisatiuon of the pack but this will probably never happen . Her neighbours hear her saying and talking to herself after we leave the place : ” I will not castrate or spay you my children– you shall breed free because you are free souls”
Again we are in a big dillema ….

Saturday night rescue mission
august 8, 2010, 1:58 am
Filed under: Fără categorie

I was just checking my Fb account when  i received an e call from a volunteer. She together with two other volunteers spotted a stray dog that was trying to get something from his mouth. He was drulling and obviously in distress. I went there and the dog was in a fenced garbage place. In no time i grabbed him and administer tranquliser . I then rushed at the clinic, it was 11 pm.  At the clinic i found what was cousing the trouble. A pork rib was stuck between the dogs upper molars.  It is not uncommon for the dogs to eat from the garbage sites and those kind of problems can happen with serious  consequences. SO do not feed your dog any  barbecue leftovers !!!

Since the dog was not neutered and was sedated anyway,  i  decided to castrate him and to tag him.  I find it great when people like those volunteers act like area guardians and spot dogs in need and rush them  to the vet.

I am happy that the dog is fine and i now can go to sleep relieved . Happy that the dog did not mess my car .@)))

Ps the dog is now recovering at one of the volunteer places .

Enjoy the pics

iunie 16, 2010, 4:05 pm
Filed under: Fără categorie

Today wednesday was the day i planned to go at Liliana’s house and together with my colleague Dr Corbu + a team of volunteers to help clean the place,  spay and neuter all the dogs and also disinfect the yard so that the dogs will not pick up ticks and fleas.

Yesterday i spoke with Liliana on the phone and i got the message that she declines my offer of help because the weather was too hot and said something about september october. I saw the place and there is shade enough for the dogs to recover.We are experienced with working in this kind of situations and places. I explained her that everything was gonna be alright yet she declined receiving us there. The volunteers explained me they have been trying to help her since 2006 and the same time they got a negative feedback from her.

Her dogs are in terrible condition: full of mange demodex fleas and ticks. There are litters of pups that die because the moms do not have enough milk  and antibodies and can not feed them properly. Now i have to consider the fact that she abuses her dogs  and preventing us to go there is a cruelty deed against her animals.  I am worried and i think that maybe we  should have a tribunal order and go there help the animals. What do you think about this?

iunie 14, 2010, 5:08 pm
Filed under: Fără categorie

I found out about Liliana  during the April 2010 Spayathon in Bucharest. A person who kept bringing dogs to be sterilised told us about her.  ancy, the president of  Romania Animal Rescue promised help with treatments and sterilisations of dogs on site. The other days I visited the place she lives.  A GIA volunteer joined me and we took pictures of the house. It is like entering the wonderland but a sad one.

The yard is not taken care of, it is like a little mix of jugle and rubish. Dogs came barking to us but none tried.  Liliana has been living there for two years since she had to flee from her home in Bucharest together with her 18 dogs. She had many problems with her neighbours who tried to poison all her dogs because they were too noisy. She appears as a warm hearted woman that does not ask  much from the world : just her dogs to be happy and healthy. She accepted to talk to us  which was not the case with other people visiting her.  She said that she lived without electriciy and that now she has to carry water from a cemetary across the street because her water well bucket was damaged. She suffers from Diabetes and her legs are affected by trombosis. She asked for help and we are willing to provide help for her. A new water bucket was mandatory and urgent  and this week we plan to ge there with   medical team and volunteers to clean the place .

 I will keep you posted

Ciao -Micul print/The little prince!
februarie 18, 2010, 3:23 am
Filed under: 1

Pe Ciao il vedem de fiecare data cand ne oprim la benzinarie. El este catelul care sta in usa si cerseste de mancare si care se bucura de fiecare data cand cineva ii acorda atentie. Nu te musca si nu te latra, el se considera acasa si face oficiile de gazda la fel precum  un valet englez. Viata lui poate parea lipsita de griji dar de fapt nu este deloc asa. Puii care se nasc pe  marginea drumurilor aglomerate sunt victime sigure ale traficului intens. De cele mai multe ori ei sunt accidentati si atunci cand nu mor raman cu handicapuri mai mici sau mai mari ceea ce le face viata mizerabila.

Mi-as dori sa nu mai vad catei ca Ciao la benzinarii  dar case pentru ei se gasesc greu. Singura solutie ramane sterilizarea lor si  in acest fel ei nu vor mai da nastere altor catei care sa aiba o soarta extrem de cruda. Cati dintre noi nu am vazut catei striviti pe sosele?? Ce imagine groaznica !!!@((

Ciao este simbolul luptei pentru sterilizarea a cat mai multor catei de pe marginea drumurilor iar  anul acesta a intrat in concursul organizat de Humane Society of the United States cu prilejul Spay Day =ziua internationala a reducerii numarului de animale nedorite. Fiecare vot pentru Ciao are un dublu impact : consolidarea portofoliului de puncte si strangerea de fonduri pentru proiectele mobile ale Romania Animal Rescue-RAR se poate face direct pe pagina concursului  sau pe unde veti gasi mai multe posibilitati de a dona. Rugamintea este ca in cazul in care donati pe pagina RAR sa ne scrieti un e mail in care sa ne confirmati donatia pentru ca noi sa o transferam in concurs .

Lupta este stransa si fiecare vot conteaza . Practic eu vad acest concurs ca pe un exercitiu de unitate al Romanilor. Putem dona 5 10 15 $. Suma , pentru multi dintre noi nu inseamna foarte mult dar care,  poate salva o viata .

In cazul in care nu donati, puteti populariza concursul pe pagina voastra personala .Va multumesc ca ati avut rabdare sa cititi aceste randuri si va multumesc anticipat indiferent care va fi optiunea voastra .


.Ciao is the dog you see each time you stop at a gas station.  He sits patiently by the front door, wagging his tail in hopes of a moment of attention from a kind stranger.  He doesn’t bark, he doesn’t bite, he merely waits in his humble „home” with the patience and forbearance of an English valet. 
His life may appear to be easy and carefree.  But nothing could be further from the truth.  Most puppies who are born near the congested highways are guaranteed to fall victim to the unrelenting traffic.  Often times fatal, these accidents can also lead to crippling injuries which create lives of abject misery.  It would be wonderful if all the dogs like Ciao could find homes, real homes.  But this is not a likely outcome.  The only humane solution is to practice sterilization to prevent these animals from suffering such cruel fates.  We have all seen dogs who have been crushed under the wheels of oncoming cars, their remains left behind on the road. It is a sight both terrible and preventable.
 Ciao is serving as the symbol of the struggle to fund spay/neuter operations for other gas station dogs just like him.  This year, his image has been entered in the HSUS Spay Day Photo Contest.  Every vote cast has a double impact:  first,  it will help fund spay/neuter projects throughout the country and secondly, it will help Ciao win the contest and bring international attention to the plight of strays in Romania.
You can vote by visiting the HSUS Photo Contest page:
 or by visiting Romania Animal Rescue’s page: If you donate on RAR page please send us an e-mail to confirm the donation and we will tranfer the amount to the contest.
Every vote counts and so does every donation, no matter how small.  A sum like $5 or $10 has relatively little meaning to most of us.  But it can mean lives saved and suffering alleviated.  And even if you can’t donate, you can still make a difference by posting this story to Facebook, MySpace or Twitter and spreading the word. 
Thank you–

Pisicile si apa/Cats and water/Katzen und wasser.
decembrie 1, 2009, 10:52 pm
Filed under: 1

Dragii mei,

Intrebare: pisicilor le place apa sau nu?

In cazul felinelor  salbatice mari situatia este diferita in functie de zona in care traiesc. Felinele mari din savana africana  fac bai frecvente in apa raurilor, in acest fel reglandu-si temperatura corporala. In zonele mai  reci felinele evita  sa se ude  din cauza inabilitatii blanii ude de a mentine temperatura normala a corpului.

Pisicile domestice cum ar fi cele  din rasele Bengal si Van sunt cunoscute ca iubitoare de apa, ele intrand in apa si chiar inotand. Un fapt cunoscut si real  este ca pisicilor nu le place sa fie stropite cu apa sau sa le intre apa in urechi. Din experienta de veterinar va spun ca nici una din pisicile tratate pentru afectiuni ale urechilor nu a fost relaxata in timpul tratamentului.

Puii de pisica dezvolta cel putin  curiozitate fata de apa, daca nu sunt fortati sa intre in cazi sau dusuri la aceasta varsta. De cele mai multe ori, pe viitor, robinetele deschise vor fi  cel putin o jucarie pe cinste ….


Do cats like water?

When it comes to wild large felines the situation differs  regarding to the enviroment they live  in. The large felines from the african savanna like to take baths in the rivers and this helps them  regulate their body temperature. In the colder enviroment the  felines avoid to wet their body because this interferes with the insulating capacity of their coat .

Domestic cats like Van and Bengal love to swim and  they are famous about this interesting habit . Majority of cats do not like water, they avoid getting their coat  wet and having water in their ears. Throughout my years of experience with cats being treated for ear problems, there were only exceptional cases with cats that were calm during the ear cleaning process.

Kittens develop at least  curiosity towards water unless they had bad experiences like being forced in tubs and showers. Quite often they will develop a special interest in dripping pipes and open faucets …


Grossen katzen in Africa gefallen in den Flussen zu schwimmen  und damit senken  sie  das Temperatur  ihrer Koerper, dagegen in den kaelteren Gebieten die grossen Katzen lassen ihre Haut nicht nass werden. Ein nasses Fell schutzt den Koerper nicht so gut gegen Frierengefahr.

Hauskatzen wie Van und Bengal  leben neben  Wasser. Sie  schwimmen gerne  und sind beruhmt dafur. Die meisten Katzen lieben das wasser nicht, die versuchen ihr Fell immer  trocken zu behalten. Katzen mit Ohrentzuendungen sind nicht so einfach zu behandeln. Ohrspullung   ist nicht ihr Lieblingsbehandlung und nur seltsam  habe ich Katzen die so eine behandlung geniessen .

Junge Katzen zeigen mindestens Neugierigkeit fur Wasser, bedonders wenn die keine schlechte wassergebunden erfahrungen gehabt haben. Sehr oft werden Katzen an tropfenden Wasserrohren sehr interesiert …

Donate now!!
noiembrie 10, 2009, 7:19 pm
Filed under: 1

Best prsent ever

Acum este momentulsa donezi !/Donate now!!Spenden sie jetzt fuer die rumaenishen strassenhunde !!!
noiembrie 10, 2009, 7:15 pm
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Dragi cititori si sustinatori ai miscarii animal welfare de pretutindeni.Vestea cea mare de astazi este ca Best Friends dubleaza orice donatie facuta in contul lor pentru orice organizatie inregistrata in baza lor de date ca o asociatie serioasa.
Daca vreodata v- ati gandit sa donati cat de putin pentru o asociatie non profit acum este momentul sa o faceti .
In Romania ROmaniaAnimalRescue este o asociatie care face posibile multe din lucrurile deosebite de pe acest blog .Best Friends dubleaza sumele donate in limita a 3000$ deci sunteti invitati sa accesati ezitati !!
Hi there ,
If you ever thought of donating some money for the romanian strays now is the time to do it !!Best Friends doubles any donation dollar to dollar for up to 3000 $ so now is the time to make a donation and make it worth this link..
Thank you !!
Liebe freunde ,
Wenn sie irgendwann fuer die rumaenishe Strassenhunde eine Spende machen wollten yetzt ist die beste Zeit dafuer.
Best Friends verdoppelt jede spende bis 3000$.Clicken sie
Danke schoen …

Iris din lacrima/Teardrop Iris
octombrie 30, 2009, 8:09 pm
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Cainele pe care l am prezentat cu trauma cumplita la ochi  si pe care colega mea l-a botezat Iris va fi adoptata!! Si in acest caz ceea ce a contat hotarator a fost faptul ca a avut o poveste … din nefericire o poveste tragica, groaznica uluitoare tulburatoare incredibila …care a ajutat-o isi gaseasca un camin.

Citeam povesti cand eram mic, imi placeau la nebunie, erau povesti cu zane si cu eroi cu Ileana Cosanzeana si Fat frumos din lacrima, cum suna ……Iris nu poata sa vada,dar cu siguranta va incepe sa invete sa rada si sa se bucure de viata .

Mult succes Iris in noua ta viata . NU te vom uita!!!


The dog that I  presented earlier and which was named Iris will be adopted. A decisive role in the whole story was that she had a story, a horrifying, unbelievable, cruel and  terrible  story. Weird but  this is what helped her find a home .I used to read a lot of stories when i was a kid,i loved it when my grandmother used to tell us stories with princes, kings, princesses and  mighty heroes … Today’s  stories are sometimes  ugly and so is yours Iris, though i am glad it turned into your salvation after all. Rise and shine Iris, Good luck into your new life  we will not forget you though we weren’t worthy of you…


Iris, die Huendin die ich vorher vorgestellt habe, wird adoptiert werden. Dazu hat ihre schrekliche Geschichte  eine entschedeinde Rolle gespiellt.

Als ich nur ein kleines Kind war, redete ich gerne geschichten mit Prinzen, Koenigen, Prizessinen und Helden … Heutzutage sind die Geschichten manchmal unglaublich haesslich und furchtbar…Diese sind immer so oft die waren Geschichten …So eine hast du Iris auch gehabt … komischerweise deine Geschichte ist zu einem Rettungsjacke verwandelt …Ich freue mich  sehr ..Viel erfolg mit deinem neuen Leben. Wir werden dich nicht vermissen!! Wir haben dich nicht verdient,doch werden wir immer an dich errinern ..


Do not forget to spay and neuter your pet even when you get married!
octombrie 17, 2009, 4:33 pm
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Era sambata si noi sterilizam in fata primariei din Popesti Leordeni. In aceea zi erau programate 4 nunti si 80 de operatii, asa ca am avut parte de distractie maxima : pe de o parte sterilizarile animalelor de strada pe de alta parte evolutia menestrelului din imagini a fost la inaltime, aducand o nota campeneasca actiunii .
Nu trebuie sa ma amintesc ca lumea care venise la cununie tragea cu ochiul la ceea ce faceam noi …
In total in acel weekend au fost sterilizate 120 de animalutze=120 de animalute fara grija puilor pe care i-ar fi asteptat oricum o viata plina de neprevazut …
Dati mai departe..

It was saturday and were were doing spay and neuter in front of the city hall in this little town close to Bucharest.
It was alot of fun because we enjoy projects like this with 80 animals operated daily and because we had live music from the weddings that were schedulled that day .
In total that weekend 120 animals were operated = 120 animals that will not have litters and whose offsprings will not come onto this world full of dangers at every step .
Please forward this to everybody you know ..

Es war Samstag un wir machten Sterilisationen vor dem Rathaus in einer kleinen Stadt in der Nahe von BUcharest . Es waren 80 sterlisationen vorgeplannt bei uns und 4 Hochzeiten am Rathaus . Der Tag war ein voller Genuss weil uns zu sterilisieren Spass macht and auch gab es live Musik von den Hochzeiten.
An diesem wochenende 120 Tiere wurden sterilisiert =120 Tiere die keine Welpen auf dieser gaefaehlichen Welt setzen werden.
Bitte leiten sie diese Seite weiter…