Frontlinevet. Blog

iunie 16, 2010, 4:05 pm
Filed under: Fără categorie

Today wednesday was the day i planned to go at Liliana’s house and together with my colleague Dr Corbu + a team of volunteers to help clean the place,  spay and neuter all the dogs and also disinfect the yard so that the dogs will not pick up ticks and fleas.

Yesterday i spoke with Liliana on the phone and i got the message that she declines my offer of help because the weather was too hot and said something about september october. I saw the place and there is shade enough for the dogs to recover.We are experienced with working in this kind of situations and places. I explained her that everything was gonna be alright yet she declined receiving us there. The volunteers explained me they have been trying to help her since 2006 and the same time they got a negative feedback from her.

Her dogs are in terrible condition: full of mange demodex fleas and ticks. There are litters of pups that die because the moms do not have enough milk  and antibodies and can not feed them properly. Now i have to consider the fact that she abuses her dogs  and preventing us to go there is a cruelty deed against her animals.  I am worried and i think that maybe we  should have a tribunal order and go there help the animals. What do you think about this?

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Din pacate, am mai intalnit astfel de cazuri cu batrani maniaci…nu am rezolvat nimic.
Cred ca singura metoda este ori sa ii indepartezi o zi de locatie – timp in care rezolvi tot – ori ii legi fedeles si ii lasi intr-o camera in liniste sa cugete in timp ce iti vezi de treaba.
Cu astfel de specimene nu se poate rezolva amiabil.

Comentariu de Miki

you should look into the situation in vama vheche, Romania, where people take animals from the streets and do not legitimate themselves. i would really like to find out that people could do more about this situation in all of Romania. please look into it.

Comentariu de stan alexandra elizzabeth

Nu e vina ei ca a ajuns in starea asta, in Romania conditiile sunt altele decat in afara, nu exista fonduri si adaposturi care sa preia animalele nedorite. Dar este foarte vinovata de faptul ca nu accepta ajutor. Pentru astfel de cazuri asociatiile de protectie a animalelor trebuie sa se adreseza justitiei.

Am vazut ca in unele cazuri in strainatate se mai primeste un termen de toleranta… Poate primi de ex. o luna sa remedieze situatia, dupa care, trebuie verificat daca s-a imbunatatit ceva si urmarit cazul periodic. In plus, ca masura urgenta, castrati toate animalele persoanei respective, a caror stare de sanatate permite operatia.

Comentariu de ana

justitia nu prea tine cont de drepturile animalelor, legea exista dar ei nu o respecta, asa ca pana la urma, tot cum a spus miky trebuie procedat, avand in vedere ca persoana nu are discernamant 100%… deci o zi tinuta departe, fedeles, si cu 2-3 medici, asistenti si cativa voluntari gata :D… Macar castrearea, ca altceva nu se poate face pentru cainii aia.

da, este de apreciat ca a luat cainii de pe strazi in grija, dar sa refuzi un ajutor, este criminal. Este nesabuit de asemenea sa ne comparam cu alte tari, sa vrem adaposturi pentru astfel de caini, cand nici in alte tari bugetele nu sunt tocmai uriase!

Singura solutie e castrarea pe loc(sa-i ramana animalele femeii) si sa-i traiasca!

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